
I couldn't have expected any of it, I guess. I was just living my life as a semi-average kid, and one day I plucked out of that life. I was kidnapped by some nightmarish lookign aliens, and stuffed in a cage for weeks as part of some experiment. Another guy and I managed to break out, but the other guy didn't make it.. and I weas about to go the same way when I stumbled onto TMS. I thought it was great. I wanted revenge more than anything. But being that hotheaded led to making mistakes.. and not watching the morphing clock. I got stuck as a bulldog, just as I was getting involved with someone, and feeling a real bond. I was crushed, and humiliated, and Nick took me in to live at his house. Then, one day, the Ellimist, as some weird little prank, decided I should be human again. And so it was. It seemed to be a miracle, my life could at least be partially returned to me. I even went on a decent date with Michelle. But then there was the battle. Death was everywhere, and seemed to be heading for me head-on. I noticed Reed in battle with the Visser, and tried to get his attention away from her, but he.. almost beheaded me. I somehow half-consciously managed to demorph in a secluded spot, then remorphed to try to escape. But before I could, the Yeerks found me, and took me prisoner. They.. tortured me. It was just obscene.. but I kept up as much as I could, and took an opening when I could. In the process I spent much more than two hours in sparrow morph. I was in delerium from the torture, and from exaustion, but I managed to get back to the fort, and back to what will have to settle for life.


Email: Anim0rph2@aol.com