
Life seemed pretty good, for the most part. I was doing a little better in school, and my social life seemed to be flourishing. I even joined a club with soem of my so-called friends, a club called the Sharing. As they promisied, it'd change my life forever. I was taken by the Yeerks, and for the longest time, was in my own personal hell. And then, through all the monotony, I noticed something off. Patrick, my cousin, was acting very strange.. and the slug took that as a sign, and started investigating him. The slug found out his secret, but Pat just barely got the upperhand in that situation. He set me free, and I can never thank him enough. I try to help, and Patrick seems like at least some weight is lifted off his chest, no longer having to worry about me.


Email: Anim0rph2@aol.com