
The new guy always gets it tough. I was pulled up from my life, which I was quite happy with, and planted here. Now, that on it's own would be mostly annoying. But then I see my new neighbor seems to be a little off his rocker. Well, some other people noticed this too, so we went to investigate. Turns out he was killing aliens in his spare time. Enought o make anyone off their rocker. Well, up until this major life change, I was mostly described as gentle, and soft spoken, but it seems that's changed a bit, and now I'm told I complain too much, and am a worry-wart. Personally, I don't think this Patrick guy, his crazy alien girlfriend, or that wacko prankster should be in charge. Maybe we should have votes, and all be equal in this. Or at least have someone mentally stable up at top. I don't know, but it bothers me.

