Filed Updates from January 2001

~1-16-01~ UPDATE 2~

Wow. Two Updates this soon?! Wow. Anyway, I finally got some rants up, 3 of them from rachias, although they're screwed up text files.. glah. I'll fix 'em later. Also see TMS - Animorphs and Some Fantastic BNL Fansite for stuff updated on them.


Okay, I made the first part of the about area: About TMS!!! Go check it out! It's better than any old History section! Oh, about History, I'm not doing that. ^_^; Now, onto Animorphs stuff: #50 RULES! Or it sounds like it will, Highlight the next sentence for the reason why (it's the spoiler)

There will be 9 new Animorphs!!!!!
Well, at least that's what Animorphitis says! And if it's true than, well, I NEED THAT BOOK NOW! GIVE IT TO ME B. DALTON!


Gah, fixed the Updates section, including organizing the past updates by years, but in the process I lost last months updates. *sigh* I'm trying to cross out all the annoying little things on my to-do list. And the poor sub-sites are really suffering.. Oh! I started a new one!

Some Fantastic BNL Fansite

Eh, I think that's it.. oh!there is a new way to contact me, and a new fanfic! and I'm thinking about starting a site map.. ::trails off, humming along to Who Needs Sleep? (my personal theme song)::

Past Updates
