Filed Updates from March 2000


Okay the server problems are fixed and I'm really starting TMS - Animorphs now. Gonna review the ENTIRE website including all three sites: The Morpher Society, TMS - Animorphs, and Patrick's Site. Also made a link to the Link Me page on the main page by making the Banner an image link.

~3-11-00~ (Second Update)

Yes SECOND Update. Too much stuff for one! The February 2000 Past Updates went *poof!* all of the sudden. I'm also going over the Awards, Contact, Fun Stuff, Gallery, Info, and Profiles Sections. AND Patrick's Site AND TMS - Animorphs. ::wipes forehead:: Whew! I'm going to be on a while!


Trying to actually start making pages on the Animorphs Section. Decided against changing the 'Animorps' typo on main page ;-). Changed font for updates link on main page also. Tinkered with Past Updates. Oh, one last thing, started making a new intro every update. One LAST thing- fixed Links Section...It's a busy night! Added Disclaimer too! Okay, NO MOR UPDATING! I started the Nugget of Insanity on the main page. ::sets up a trap that prevents me from updating further and goes to sleep::

::wakes up remembering something and falls into trap:: AAAH!!! I've converted the main page to HTML so I'll have more freedom! Gonna start doing that now! ::falls far far away::

::computer voice tells last update:: Patrick also learned how to do < and > so go check it out in the Books Section! ::trap somehow kills computer and update ends, FINALLY!::

(Editor's Note: Sorry for the long update, I kinda went nuts on the main page.)


Angelfire has been screwy lately, sorry for the inconvenience. FINALLY started the Animorphs section, notice all the 'FINALLY's lately? FINA- um, I mean I just got up the past updates section. Anything alse? Oh yeah, I've decided not to try for the frames thing.


FINALLY put up a new mail image. I'm trying to set up the Animorphs Section but I got an Angelfire Error message.

Past Updates
